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Esther Guzha

Esther Guzha

System/Service Navigator

Esther is an accomplished Case Worker with over 10 years of experience delivering counseling, support, and linkage to services to individuals and families with special needs, mostly those affected by HIV. She has proven success in developing relationships with community organizations that provide free and low-cost resources for clients.

Joshua Geddes - Canada Summer Jobs Administrative Assistant

Joshua Geddes - Canada Summer Jobs Administrative Assistant

Canada Summer Jobs - Administrative Assistant

Joshua Geddes is the newest addition to the Sawubona team!

Marcia Cole

Marcia Cole

Program Coordinator

Marcia Cole has served in various capacities in the Developmental Services Sector for over 20 years.

Renz Evangelista

Renz Evangelista

IT Specialist

Renz is a Math and Computer Science student with passion for working with technology.

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